Jane Lui

Date:April 14, 2017 9:12 pm

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Showcased at CMJ, critics liken her to Cat Power, Fiona Apple, and Rufus Wainwright. She has opened for Jason Mraz, Kate Earl, Vienna Teng, and worked with Felicia Day (Geek & Sundry). She has toured US East & West coasts, EU, Canada, Japan, playing at Walt Disney Concert Hall, Ford Amphitheatre, Hotel Cafe, Rockwood Music Hall. Her videos have been featured on Virgin America In-Flight Entertainment, Huffington Post, CNN, YouTube’s unsigned picks, MTV Iggy. Strongly connected to her audience, she raised $11,600 to fund her third album, Goodnight Company (2011 Best Recording Nominee – San Diego Music Awards).

Words from Jane…

I’m told that listening to my stuff is like watching a Michel Gondry film. His stuff is whimsical, homemade, detailed oriented…. it’s a huge compliment that I still hesitate at.. he’s really quite a genius and I’m a weirdo about comparisons. I’m classically trained, but like the alphabet, you learn it then throw the rules away to make it yours. I like music, but I love sound. It’s really invigorating to find musicality in things not meant for music: handmade music boxes, typewriters, service bells, jugs, suitcases, books, glassware. Some will call it a carefully crafted sound, I think it’s just obsessive because I know I’m neurotic. I try to make my stuff feel lovable, enduring, and usually think too hard doing so and forget to eat lunch 3 hours ago.

As a kid:

Happy go lucky Loner. Spent all my time swimming alone, bicycling alone, listening to the radio til I fell asleep in fetal position (facing DOWN). I started singing alone, had imaginary friends, and occasionally got electrocuted. I was a class clown – lied & cheated – teachers thought I was a nightmare.. EXCEPT my music teacher. She had me conduct the fourth grade class choir competition, and somehow I think that was my first serious moment in life – we won! In your face hater-teachers.

These days:

My family isn’t musical. So I don’t know where I came from. For the longest time I was convinced of being adopted. Since then, I’ve loved developing my Youtube channel which changed my life, been crazy lucky to play in so many countries & make wonderful friends. I write, record, film, edit, produce, etc. Wearing so many hats as a huge learning curve that I’ve handled well, but it can be a very lonely process. So I’m gearing towards collaborations and crossing mediums for my next big project. And really, I just want to make stuff with my friends since instincts are so translatable between disciplines. My friends are great at what they do, have empathy, and are wacky & nerdy too. So currently, I’m taking my time with the 4th album/project/thing, scoring a musical, and getting into acting because it helps so much with songwriting.

Email: booking@janelui.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JANELUIMUSIC/

Twitter: http://Twitter.com/JaneLui

Youtube: http://YouTube.com/Luieland

Tumblr: http://janelui.tumblr.com/

iTunes album: http://Itunes.apple.com/us/album/goodnight-company/id392838256


Jane Lui

City Los Angeles
Website Link www.janelui.com
United States of America
101 S Main St, Los Angeles, CA 90012, USA
