Accupuncture and Chiropractor

We have found 4 items matching your search query.

Unknown (626) 283-4672

Herbal medicines, remedies, treatments.

Unknown (310) 451-5522

Asian acupuncture and Chinese medicine

9845 Erma Rd, San Diego, CA, USA

distance: 7,772 Miles 760-683-8738

We are an Integrative and Holistic Health and Wellness Center. The following are a list of our services: Initial Office Visit Fee (Physical & Ortho Exam) Chiropractic Care Indi

9845 Erma Rd, San Diego, CA, USA

distance: 7,772 Miles 760-683-8738

We are an Holistic Health and Functional Medicine Center with the mission of restoring the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual balance of our patients. Because of our use of