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5667 Balboa Avenue San Diego, CA 92111 distance: 7,778 Miles (858) 268-3311

Shabumi, an ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT hot pot restaurant, recently opened. Featuring paper-thin slices of tender meat & fresh vegetables cooked together shabu style.

Unknown (714) 345-0589

4857 El Cajon Blvd San Diego, CA 92115 distance: 7,774 Miles (619) 583-2904

Camau Bakery Deli specializes in Vietnamese “sticky/sweet” desserts, including Vietnamese rice cakes, banana cakes, banh beo with shrimp, da lon (green and yellow strip

7330 Clairemont Mesa Blvd, San Diego, CA 92111, USA distance: 7,776 Miles (858) 505-9888

At Sam Woo restaurants, we think only of your dining pleasure. To that end we offer a variety of creations from Hong Kong cooked in the Cantonese style. Their distinct flavor comes

4101-4227 Ruffner St, San Diego, CA 92111, USA distance: 7,776 Miles (858) 277-1888

Village North is the only restaurant in San Diego serving both Northern and Southern Chinese dishes. We also have a special late night menu (including our delicious skewers), that

111 South 35th St San Diego, CA 92113 Unknown (619) 534-2435

Indian Voices is a community service that publishes monthly in San Diego. Besides a 24/7 online presence several thousand hard copies go out to various sites including many of the

"Chinatown/Los Angeles: 819 N. Broadway Los Angeles, CA 90012; Pasadena: 3777 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena, CA 91107" distance: 7,813 Miles Chinatown/Los Angeles: (213) 625-0811 Pasadena: (626) 432-6868

The very first Yang Chow opened its doors in 1977, in the heart of Chinatown. Located beneath the Bing Wong Hotel, it was a former diner that was converted into a two room eatery.

4344 Convoy Street Suite E San Diego, CA 92111 distance: 7,776 Miles (858) 292-1689

Melody Karaoke & Café welcomes karaoke lovers and serves different kinds of dishes and drinks!


Terry Matsuoka is a singer-songwriter with intricate musicianship, tight pop songwriting and a soulful voice.  His songs are easily relatable because he writes about scenarios th

Unknown (619) 563-2307

Vietnamese nails and cosmetics and beauty.

Unknown (619) 521-1818

The San Diego Chinese Women’s Association was originally founded in 1981 as the San Diego Chinese Women’s Club, a non-profit organization.  At that time 10 women brainstormed

Unknown (619) 521-1818

Non-profit in San Diego.