Community Events
We have found 18 items matching your search query.
API community event listings in Southern California
5th Annual ACMA Holiday Fundraiser
San Diego, CA, USA
distance: 7,779 Miles 6197891811 ACMA will be hosting our 5th Annual Holiday Fundraiser on Thursday, November 29, 2018.
Details will be posted soon!
Miss Asian North America and Ms. Asian North America
Unknown 858-357-1988
Apply now!
You can be next Miss/Ms. Asian North America.
Applications are available online! The contest will be in
November 2017 in Las Vegas. Lots of prizes with $3,000 Scholarshi
Convoy Bar Crawl
4703 Convoy St, San Diego, CA 92111, USA
distance: 7,776 Miles
Celebrate the Lunar New Year with a brand new tradition and drink the good luck in with the first-ever, truly one-of-a-kind bar crawl in San Diego – The Convoy Bar Crawl!
626 Night Market
Santa Anita Park, 285 West Huntington Drive, Arcadia, CA 91007, United States
distance: 7,800 Miles 626-765-5066 Delectable foods. Innovative small businesses. Imaginative crafts. Expressive art. Inspired entrepreneurship. Spirited community. New friendships. Lasting love. 626 Night Market.
Yee & Dubin Sports
Unknown 213-892-7420
Yee & Dubin Sports is a sports management and consulting firm located in downtown Los Angeles. The firm represents athletes, coaches and broadcasters in contract negotiations a

ACMA Holiday Business Mixer
Shozen BBQ, Mira Mesa Boulevard, San Diego, CA, United States