Los Angeles

We have found 62 items matching your search query.

Unknown ghomfranzen@3af.org

Asian American non-profit in Los Angeles.


As one of AAPIP’s oldest and largest chapters, we are deeply committed to advocating for our Asian American/Pacific Islander (AAPI) communities in need since our founding in

Unknown (213) 484-1527

The Filipino Cultural Center shall promote the general welfare, well-being, and prosperity of the members through empowerment of the Filipino American Community in Los Angeles Coun

Unknown (213) 353-3982

PACE is a non-profit community development organization founded in 1976 to create economic solutions to meet the challenges of employment, education, housing, business development

Unknown (213) 626-4471

Founded in 1929, JACL is a membership-based Asian American advocacy organization. Its mission is to advocate for the civil and human rights of Japanese Americans and others, and to

Unknown (213) 365-5999

Korean American Coalition-Los Angeles (KAC) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization established in 1983 to promote the civic and civil rights interests of the Korean American communi

Unknown (714) 759-2739

APEX’s mission is to meet the diverse needs of Asian professionals by broadening the horizon upon which they would choose their careers through expanding opportunity and through


The Pacific Asian Alcohol and Drug Program is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization based in Los Angeles, California. They provide alcohol and drug prevention treatment and recovery s

Unknown 213.738.9050

KIWA’s mission is to empower Koreatown’s immigrant workers in low-wage industries for dignity and respect in the workplace and community, and to work together with other commun


The vision of PIVOT is to be a collective voice for progressive Vietnamese Americans, to engage and empower Vietnamese Americans through civic engagement and leadership development

Unknown (213) 808-1700

The Center was established in 1971 and is a nonprofit multi-service center that provides multilingual social services, medical services, employment training, and counseling in the

Unknown (213) 628-2725

JAACCC is an ethnic cultural center located in Little Tokyo. Started in 1980, it is a non-profit organization with a mission to preserve and encourage an appreciation of Japanese a