Non profits

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A list of non-profit organizations in the Asian and Pacific community in Southern California

Unknown (858) 215-1162

San Diego Asian Americans For Equality (SDAAFE) Foundation is a California Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation, a 501(c)(4) organization. SDAAFE PAC is a non-partisan Political Ac

Unknown (714) 560-8877 

The Asian American Senior Citizens Service Center (AASCSC) is a 501(c)3 non-profit  organization founded in 1989 with the philosophy “caring for elders as if they were our ownâ€

Unknown (213) 484-1527

The Filipino Cultural Center shall promote the general welfare, well-being, and prosperity of the members through empowerment of the Filipino American Community in Los Angeles Coun

Unknown (213) 353-3982

PACE is a non-profit community development organization founded in 1976 to create economic solutions to meet the challenges of employment, education, housing, business development

Unknown (213) 626-4471

Founded in 1929, JACL is a membership-based Asian American advocacy organization. Its mission is to advocate for the civil and human rights of Japanese Americans and others, and to

Unknown (213) 365-5999

Korean American Coalition-Los Angeles (KAC) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization established in 1983 to promote the civic and civil rights interests of the Korean American communi

Unknown (714) 759-2739

APEX’s mission is to meet the diverse needs of Asian professionals by broadening the horizon upon which they would choose their careers through expanding opportunity and through


Their mission includes Reach out to mainstream society and other cultural communities to share Chinese culture with passion Promote education with belief and conviction Enable chi


The Pan Asian Lawyers of San Diego (PALSD) is dedicated to advancing Asian Americans in the legal profession, promoting and advocating the interests of the Asian Pacific American

7675-7699 Dagget St, San Diego, CA 92111, USA

distance: 7,776 Miles (858) 277-2822

The mission of ABA is to unite, promote and advocate the San Diego Asian business community.  We provide resources for economic growth and help businesses to compete effectively


The Pacific Asian Alcohol and Drug Program is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization based in Los Angeles, California. They provide alcohol and drug prevention treatment and recovery s

Unknown 213.738.9050

KIWA’s mission is to empower Koreatown’s immigrant workers in low-wage industries for dignity and respect in the workplace and community, and to work together with other commun