Search Results

We have found 722 items matching your search query.

Unknown (858) 573-1557

Japanese hair and beauty salon in San Diego

Unknown 858) 565-6128

Korean beauty and hair salon

Unknown (619) 266-1777

Asian beauty supply store in San Diego


Asian Americans for Community Involvement (AACI) is Santa Clara County’s largest community-based organization focused on the Asian community. Our mission is to improve the health


As one of AAPIP’s oldest and largest chapters, we are deeply committed to advocating for our Asian American/Pacific Islander (AAPI) communities in need since our founding in

Unknown (310) 328-0907

To educate and inspire character and equality through the virtue and valor of our World War II American veterans of Japanese ancestry.

Unknown (213) 680 4462

Visual Communications’ mission is to develop and support the voices of Asian American & Pacific Islander filmmakers and media artists who empower communities and challen


Operated by the Korean government’s Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, the Korean Cultural Center is dedicated to providing insights into the rich cultural heritage of


The Filipino American Lawyers of San Diego is committed to ensuring that attorneys of color, particularly Filipino American attorneys, have access to equal opportunities in the leg

Unknown (714) 560-8877 

The Asian American Senior Citizens Service Center (AASCSC) is a 501(c)3 non-profit  organization founded in 1989 with the philosophy “caring for elders as if they were our ownâ€


This corporation is a non-profit public benefit corporation and is not organized for the private gain of any individual. It is organized under the California non-profit public bene

Unknown (323) 468-2555

The mission of Thai CDC is “to advance the social and economic well-being of low and moderate income Thais and other ethnic communities in the greater Los Angeles area through a