Search Results
We have found 45 items matching your search query.

Asian Business Association of San Diego
Unknown (858) 277-2822
A nonprofit organization, the ABA has been assisting Asian American entrepreneurs in the San Diego area since 1990 by organizing various networking events and celebrations, and pro

(APEX) Asian Professional Exchange
Unknown (714) 759-2739
APEX’s mission is to meet the diverse needs of Asian professionals by broadening the horizon upon which they would choose their careers through expanding opportunity and through
(BAMA) Burmese American Medical Association
he Burmese American Medical Association (BAMA) was formed by a group of Burma medical graduates in 1982 in the Los Angeles area. Our current membership consists of various ethnic g

National Korean American Services & Education Consortium, Inc.
Unknown (323) 937-3703
NAKASEC has organizations located in five major cities across the US. NAKASEC seeks to enhance the lives of Korean Americans by: (1) educating the public on issues affecting Korean
Asian Pacific American Dispute Resolution Center
Unknown 213. 250. 8190
Founded in July of 1989 to provide mediation and conflict resolution services, the Asian Pacific American Dispute Resolution Center (APADRC) is dedicated to serving traditionally u

API Equality- LA
Unknown (213) 580-1800
API Equality-LA organizes community members to take action on a variety of issues that affect the API LGBTQ community. Through our campaigns, we work to educate the public, change