Search Results
We have found 4 items matching your search query.

Kim Hung Bakery
4511 University Ave San Diego, CA 92105
distance: 7,774 Miles (619) 528-9035 Kim Hung Bakery specializes in different kinds of Chinese and Vietnamese traditional and authentic bread and cakes, especially banh bao.

Paris Baguette
7655 Clairemont Mesa Blvd San Diego, CA 92111
distance: 7,776 Miles (858) 650-0404 Paris Baguette’s rich history in food service dates all the way back to 1945 – and since then we’ve flourished into a world-class company.
We have come a long way

Huy Ky Bakery
4568 University Ave San Diego, CA 92105
distance: 7,774 Miles (619) 280-3242 Huy Ky Bakery specializes in Chinese mooncakes and different kinds of Chinese traditional and authentic bread and cakes.

Chinese Bakery
4643 El Cajon Blvd San Diego, CA 92115
distance: 7,774 Miles (619) 284-3128 Chinese Bakery specializes in homemade birthday cakes, mooncakes, and different kinds of Chinese traditional and authentic bread and cakes.