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8199 Clairemont Mesa Blvd A, San Diego, CA 92111; 9420-B Mira Mesa Blvd, San Diego, CA 92126 distance: 7,776 Miles Clairemont Mesa: (858) 598-2782; Mira Mesa: (858) 860-5316

With 2,800 stores in Japan and over 4,000 stores worldwide, Daiso is often called “the Japanese dollar store,” but our cute, “kawaii” designs and unique kind of value simpl

Unknown (858) 571 2970

The mission of the Asian Pacific Health Foundation (APHF) is to advance health and wellness for the vulnerable groups in San Diego by providing health education and free community

222 E. Huntington Dr., Suite 213 Monrovia, CA 91016 Unknown 626-303-3858

Zhongkun Travel, also know as Zhongkun Group, Inc. is an international luxury travel and sightseeing company. Based in China, Zhongkun Travel extends to North America, Japan and ot

Unknown (714) 540-1455

Japanese hair and beauty salon in Orange County.

Unknown (619)-887-4148

REJALI LAW FIRM has assisted countless clients with their Immigration, Criminal, Personal Injury and Litigation matters. Our San Diego Immigration Lawyers have helped many clients

Unknown (213) 628-2725

JAACCC is an ethnic cultural center located in Little Tokyo. Started in 1980, it is a non-profit organization with a mission to preserve and encourage an appreciation of Japanese a


The San Diego Asian Youth Organization (SDAYO), is a non-profit organization founded by the San Diego Police Department in 1995. SDAYO brings together a diverse group of teenagers

Unknown https://www.palsd.org

The Pan Asian Lawyers of San Diego (PALSD) is dedicated to advancing Asian Americans in the legal profession, promoting and advocating the interests of the Asian Pacific American

Unknown 949 431 8737

Orange County Korean Cultural Center (OCKCC) was founded in 2004 as a non-profit organization to share the proud Korean heritage with all cultures to promote the creation of peace

4681 Convoy Street Suite A San Diego, CA 92111 distance: 7,776 Miles (858) 493-0401

Whether you’re craving something hot, cold, spicy, savory or even sweet, we’ve got your palette covered. Our diverse menu selection offers a variety of tastes, so you g

3904 Convoy St, #108, San Diego, CA 92111 Unknown (858) 277-8822

Since opening in Yokohama, Japan in 1985, Yokohama Yakitori Koubou has expended to a chain of ten stores throughout Yokohama and now the USA. The interior design has the same look

511 E. Garvey Avenue Suite 208 distance: 7,806 Miles (626) 288-9922

Law Office of James Tam is a leading law firm in Southern California providing comprehensive legal solutions to clients based in the United States and Asia. We are dedicated to our