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Featured Business Listings

Unknown (949) 262-1111

Korean hair and beauty salon in Orange County


A leading American koto performer in the traditional and jazz arenas, Reiko Obata studied under masters in the U.S. and Japan, including the late composer and virtuoso Shinich

3112 Newport Blvd Newport Beach, CA 92663 Unknown (949) 675-0896

TO OUR WONDERFUL FRIENDS AND LOYAL CUSTOMERS Ho Sum Bistro has suffered a serious fire and will be closed until further notice. We are happy to inform you there was no injury or l

511 E. Garvey Avenue Suite 208 distance: 7,806 Miles (626) 288-9922

Law Office of James Tam is a leading law firm in Southern California providing comprehensive legal solutions to clients based in the United States and Asia. We are dedicated to our

Unknown 888-341-9080

“Translation is an art and our language professionals are masters at their trade.” With certified linguists and experience in more than 200 languages, you can trust Lat
Christine Yoo


Christine Yoo​ is a non-fiction TV producer, independent filmmaker and volunteer at San Quentin State Prison. As a TV producer, she has worked on series for National Geographic,

Unknown 213. 250. 8190

Founded in July of 1989 to provide mediation and conflict resolution services, the Asian Pacific American Dispute Resolution Center (APADRC) is dedicated to serving traditionally u

9845 Erma Rd, San Diego, CA, USA distance: 7,772 Miles 760-683-8738

We are an Integrative and Holistic Health and Wellness Center. The following are a list of our services: Initial Office Visit Fee (Physical & Ortho Exam) Chiropractic Care Indi

Unknown (626) 307-4881

Taiwanese non-profit in Los Angeles

4681 Convoy St, San Diego, CA 92111, USA distance: 7,776 Miles (858) 277-5573

Liang’s Kitchen serves home-style dishes, Taiwanese bento, and different kinds of traditional foods.

Unknown FaccSanDiego1@gmail.com

The Chamber develops, encourages, promotes and supports the business climate by providing networking events and seminars.


The Pacific Asian Alcohol and Drug Program is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization based in Los Angeles, California. They provide alcohol and drug prevention treatment and recovery s